[picocontainer-dev] dependency upgrades
Paul Hammant
2013-06-16 21:20:07 UTC

Running this from root :

mvn versions:use-latest-releases

Suggests a number of upgrades - most of which are "too advanced", or red


1) jtype could/should be upgraded (but has subtle incompatibilities) :


2) The servlet-api (for web/) has some weirdness in 2.4 and 2.5, which is
no longer weird in 3.x (though that's still in beta) according to 'mvn
central'. Specifically a PageContext global is available as a compilation
target in 2.3 and 3.0, but not in 2.4 and 2.5.


- Paul
Michael Rimov
2013-06-16 22:38:10 UTC
They moved servlet api 3 . ZERO idea why. :(






I'm actually in the process of upgrading my own code since its supported by
Jetty 9 and Tomcat 7. Biggest thing is that Jetty runner has to be upgraded
to the version #9 one:




Otherwise I, I think it's worth staying in support of the latest and
greatest spec.

JType I have no particular opinion on. There are two cases where I'm really
using generics:

1 - Matching Providers (test case already in code)

2 - Collecting types of classes for plugins via CollectionComponentParameter

I use Pico snapshot in my own code, and I'm in the process of getting a lot
of upgrades done that I've kind of ignored for the past year, so you won't
seriously mess me up if we hit a subtle compatibility issue since I'm
already tracking those kinds of things down.


From: Paul Hammant [mailto:paul-POq8DFUn+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 2:20 PM
To: dev
Subject: [picocontainer-dev] dependency upgrades


Running this from root :

mvn versions:use-latest-releases

Suggests a number of upgrades - most of which are "too advanced", or red


1) jtype could/should be upgraded (but has subtle incompatibilities) :



2) The servlet-api (for web/) has some weirdness in 2.4 and 2.5, which is no
longer weird in 3.x (though that's still in beta) according to 'mvn
central'. Specifically a PageContext global is available as a compilation
target in 2.3 and 3.0, but not in 2.4 and 2.5.


- Paul
