[picocontainer-dev] site work in progress.
Paul Hammant
2010-11-24 23:27:31 UTC
I'm inspired by :- http://cukes.info/ and

And we now have
auto-generates (on commit) into
http://picocontainer.github.com/ (the front page is a legacy of the fork
operation) whereas http://picocontainer.github.com/caching.html should look
more familiar.

I'm playing with pygments, liquid, and jekyll - all of which are built in to
that toolchain.

More later ...

- Paul
Michael Rimov
2010-11-29 21:39:39 UTC
Oh neat! I got your latest work building. You've been busy this last
weekend! J


From: Paul Hammant [mailto:paul-POq8DFUn+***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:28 PM
To: dev
Subject: [picocontainer-dev] site work in progress.

I'm inspired by :- http://cukes.info/ and

And we now have https://github.com/picocontainer/picocontainer.github.com
which auto-generates (on commit) into http://picocontainer.github.com/ (the
front page is a legacy of the fork operation) whereas
http://picocontainer.github.com/caching.html should look more familiar.

I'm playing with pygments, liquid, and jekyll - all of which are built in to
that toolchain.

More later ...

- Paul
Paul Hammant
2010-11-29 21:51:38 UTC
yup. I need to do some css fiddling, then it should be more clear to all.

also see picocontainer.github.com/caching.html for an article example.

- Paul
Oh neat! I got your latest work building. You’ve been busy this last
weekend! J
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:28 PM
*To:* dev
*Subject:* [picocontainer-dev] site work in progress.
I'm inspired by :- http://cukes.info/ and
And we now have https://github.com/picocontainer/picocontainer.github.comwhich auto-generates (on commit) into
http://picocontainer.github.com/ (the front page is a legacy of the fork
operation) whereas http://picocontainer.github.com/caching.html should
look more familiar.
I'm playing with pygments, liquid, and jekyll - all of which are built in
to that toolchain.
More later ...
- Paul